How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost?

16 May 2021

Why You Should Use Instagram Ads

There are many reasons why your business should take advantage of Instagram ads. Here are some convincing stats from the latest Hootsuite blog:

  • More than a billion people use Instagram for business every month.
  • Instagram reaches over 140 million users in the United States alone.
  • An average Instagram user spends 30 minutes a day on the app.
  • More than 80 percent of people use Instagram to look for products, brands or services.
  • Ninety percent of Instagram users follow a brand or a business.
  • Four million businesses use Instagram Story ads every month.

No matter what goal you have, from growing your followers to attracting new leads, Instagram ads can bring you faster, more accurate results.

Hiring an Instagram advertising expert like Thrive can accelerate your success. An Instagram ad campaign we ran for a fitness expert generated impressive growth in just a matter of six months.

Many other businesses, big and small, have proven the impact of Instagram Story ads on their growth despite the many challenges they have faced this past year. They didn’t worry too much about how much Instagram ads cost because they understood the value and benefits it presented to their business. Whether or not they hired Instagram advertising experts, they still experienced the benefits of running Instagram ads.

Whether you’re hiring an Instagram ads company or implementing it on your own, investing in Instagram ads can be highly profitable for your business.

What Factors Affect Instagram Ads Cost?

The reason that there’s no definite answer to the question: “How much do Instagram ads cost?” is because a lot of factors affect the cost of Instagram ads. In addition to the pricing model, a number of things can have an impact on your particular business’s Instagram ads price. Let’s look at some the most common ones:

Your Ad’s Value As Assessed by Instagram

Instagram sponsored ads cost is directly influenced by Instagram itself. When you buy Instagram ads, you enter into a bidding auction, which determines the quality of your ad against your competitors. The winning bid is determined by:

  • How much you bid – How your bid fares against competitors
  • Estimated action rates – How likely the ad is to convert
  • Ad quality and relevance – How likely users are to engage with the ad

All these factors help Instagram pick a winning ad and run it according to the advertiser’s bid. Low bids can mean less effectiveness, and higher bids can mean that your ads will create the best possible results.

Ads Placement

Instagram advertising experts claim that where your ad appears on Instagram can affect your Instagram ads cost. For instance, Instagram Story ads are known to cost less than those that appear on the user’s main Instagram feed. Instagram sponsored ads cost is also greatly affected by these factors.

When creating an Instagram ad, you will be prompted to choose a type of Instagram ad. These are:

  • Stories
  • Photo
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Collection
  • Explore
  • IGTV
  • Instagram Shopping

These types of ads have their own placements and can determine how much Instagram ads cost. Some placements are more frequently visited than others and so would cost more.

Not sure which type of ad you should run? Consider getting expert help from an Instagram ads company that has years of experience in running successful Instagram ads for brands and businesses.

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