Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (the “Terms of Use”) constitute an agreement between the user, an individual or legal entity using the services on website https://www.lanisters.com (the “User”, “You”) and LANISTERS PTE.LTD, company registration number 202115159H, whose registered office address is 160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Centre, SGP, 068914 (the “Company”, “We”), which operates Website available at https://www.lanisters.com.

Before using any of the Company’s services, provided via the Website https://www.lanisters.com the User must agree:

  • To these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy;
  • In case of individuals – that they are at least eighteen years of age, or the age of legal majority in their jurisdiction if older than eighteen;
  • That they have the right, power, capacity and authority to lawfully enter into the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy.


1.1. “Website” means the website operated by the Company and available at https://www.lanisters.com;

1.2. “User” means an individual or a legal entity that has read and agreed to the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and uses the services provided by the Company through the Website;

1.3. “Intellectual Property Rights” means all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction.


2.1. The services of provided by the Company and available to Users via the Website consist in providing all the necessary management mechanisms to simplify the main tasks facing any marketing company, partner sites, as well as media buyers (the “Services”)


3.1. Full details of our Privacy Policy can be found at Privacy Policy. The Company recommends the Users to read the Privacy Policy carefully, so that the Users know the data that the Company collects, uses and who the Company shares the Users’ data with.


4.1. The Services are provided “as is” and the Company hereby makes an express disclaimer of all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

4.2. Neither Party shall be held liable with respect to the services or obligations arising under these Terms of Use or otherwise for any direct, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for losses of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses resulting in any way from the Services rendered by the Company.

4.3. The Company does not provide any investment advisory service, due diligence, brokerage, financial management, tax, accounting or any other professional service, and any advice or information obtained through the Company’s products and services will be used by the User and its authorised users solely at their own risk.

4.4. Without limiting the foregoing, the Company makes no warranty of any kind that the Services or any products or results of the use thereof will meet the User’s or any other person’s requirements, operate without interruption, achieve any intended result, be compatible or work with any software system or other services, or be secure, accurate, complete, free of any harmful code or error.


5.1. If the Company is unable to perform the Services outlined in the Terms of Use due to factors beyond its control including but not limited to an event of Force Majeure, change of law or change in sanctions policy, the Company shall not be liable for the Services provided under these Terms during the time period coincident with the event.


6.1. The User is permitted to use the Services of the Company provided through the Website only as expressly authorized by the Company pursuant to these Terms of Use.

6.2. All components and content on the Website, as well as the Website as a whole belong to the Company and are protected with, including, but not limited to copyright, trademarks, trade secrets. All rights reserved.

6.3. By using this Website, you acknowledge and accept that all content and information on the Website is protected by international copyright laws. You agree not to alter, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, create derivate work from, sell or resell any material obtained from or through the Website.


7.1. The Company may display on the Website some third-party content, advertisements, links, promotions, logos and other materials (collectively, the “Third-Party Content”) for the User’s convenience only. The Company does not approve of, control, endorse or sponsor any third parties or Third-Party Content, and the Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding such Third-Party Content, including, without limitation, the accuracy, validity, legality, copyright compliance, or decency of such content.


8.1. These Terms set forth the entire understanding between the Company and You with respect to the Service. You agree to rely only on the Terms alone. These Terms supersede any previous statements made by the Company.

8.2. If any term, clause or provision of these Terms is held unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that term, clause or provision will be severable from these Terms and will not affect the validity or enforceability of any remaining part of that term, clause or provision, or any other term, clause or provision of these Terms.


9.1. The Company has the right, at its sole discretion, to make modifications and revisions to the Terms of Use to reflect changes in technology, standards, legislation, administrative or business practices. Such modifications and revisions will be notified to the User through the Website no later than thirty days before they become effective.

9.2. The User will be deemed to have accepted all modifications and revisions by continuing to use the Website and our Services.


10.1. No failure of the Company to exercise any right, power or privilege under these Terms is deemed to be a waiver thereof, nor any partial exercise of a right, power or privilege should preclude the exercise of the entire or other right, power or privilege.

10.2. The User may not assign any of the rights conferred to the User under these Terms without prior written consent obtained from the Company.

10.3. The Company may assign any right or obligation under these Terms without any notice to or consent from the User


11.1. This Terms of Service shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.

11.2. Should there be any dispute regarding matters stipulated herein, the Parties shall take all measures possible to resolve them by negotiations.

11.3. Should the Parties fail to reach an agreement by means of negotiations, any dispute arising from the Terms of Use or related hereto, shall be considered and finally resolved in accordance with the Rules of Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The number of arbiters shall be one (1), elected in accordance with the SIAC Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Singapore. The arbitration shall be held in English, the decision shall be executed in English. The arbitration proceedings shall be regulated by the laws of Singapore.

11.4. The arbitral award shall be final and binding for both Parties, and may be used or produced for enforcement at any court having respective jurisdiction; an application concerning enforcement order may be filed to such competent court, if required.

11.5. The Parties shall agree that the information regarding any arbitration proceedings, including but not limited to the information of any arbitral award, shall be deemed confidential and not disclosed to any third parties without the written consent of the Parties, unless required by law.


12.1. The User hereby agrees that the Company may suspend or terminate access to the Services via the Website in case of, but not limited to:

12.1.1. non-conformity to the requirements from these Terms of Use;

12.1.2. a requirement from any applicable law to which the Company is subject in any jurisdiction;

12.1.3. an order from a court or other governmental authority;

12.1.4. any other reason that the Company deems relevant for termination of the Terms of Use between the User and the Company and suspension or termination of access to the Services via the Website.


13.1. If you have any questions regarding these Terms of Use, your rights and obligations arising therefrom and/or your use of the Website please contact us at https://www.lanisters.com.

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